Service Programs
There are over 100 species of ants in Canada. Regardless the species, to get rid of ants successfully, it is usually necessary to follow them back to their colony and treat the colony directly. LPM experts understand the proper treatment techniques for each species. Although we provide treatment for all types of ants, the following are the most commonly addressed.
SEASON: All year, most active March - October.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: You may have carpenter ants if you’re finding material similar to saw-dust (Frass) often found in basement areas, stuck to walls, and piled up near walls and on any wooden lip that will catch it such as a window sill. If you see a single ant crawling around your home, it may be your only sign of a carpenter ant infestation. When a carpenter ant colony matures, it will begin to produce winged male and female adults. These winged ants, also called swarmers or flying ants, will begin to appear on window panes inside your home. When this happens, you can know two things. First, you have a mature colony inside the walls of your home. Second, that colony is about to make more colonies.
SERVICE: Treatment of the interior and or the exterior of the property. Indoor treatment requires property to be vacant for 4-6 hours.
SEASON: All year, most active June - September.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: You might have pavement ants if you find a fast moving ant in kitchen cupboards, or near sweet foods or spills to snack on. This species is also known as the Sugar Ant in parts of North America. Pavement ants build their nests under pavement and concrete. Pavement ants will try to winter in your home. Pavement ants enter your home seeking food and water. If you can deprive them of food and water they will leave you alone. Properly seal food containers especially sweet foods. Clean spills immediately. Pavement ants do not need much of these substances, so thorough cleaning is necessary.
SERVICE: This is an outside treatment, and could include an inside treatment as these ants could be nesting under your foundation. Outside treatment involves a fan spray of your foundation and the soil around your property. Inside treatment requires residents and pets to be out of the home for 4-6 hours.
SEASON: All year, most active June - September.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: You might have Pharoah Ants if you see an ant moving along wires and pipes in the walls throughout the structure. Occasionally, they are seen entering a room through electrical outlets and switches. They are attracted to water, so they could be seen in areas with a dripping pipe or tap and they’re also more active at night. Pharoah ants are very tiny ants, yellow to light brown in appearance. These colonies will separate when disturbed will migrate to a new location creating new colonies. They can contaminate food and introduce serious diseases to you and your family. Pharaoh ants can transmit pathogenic bacteria to human, such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. These ants come inside looking for a constant heat source and a food source. Cleaning spills, removing crumbs and keeping sweet foods in air tight containers will help limit their interest in your home.
SERVICE: Baiting is best for this species. These are one of the most difficult species to get rid of. Location for baiting will depend on the activity location of the colony. This process can take 6-12 months to get under control.
SEASON: Most active July - August.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: You might have field ants if you see ants moving around your lawn or flower bed. You will find mounds of dirt or ant hills. Ants will pull up dirt when they enter your home leaving evidence of small dirt mounds along the outside wall of your basement foundation, or between loose floor boards. These are small ants reddish brown in colour. Field ants are common in yards, landscaping, fields and wooded areas. They build medium-sized mounds up to 12 inches in diameter, but more often nest under stones, logs, landscape timbers and porch slabs. Ants work to regulate their temperatures during the seasons. Depending on the species, some ants build their colony under a large rock and use the rock to collect heat from the sun, while others build mounds with unique tunnels that collect heat, or use the heat of decomposing leaves. These tricks help regulate temperatures year-round, but as the weather gets even colder, the temperature drops, causing a behaviour change in winter ants. Ants do go into a dormant state in the colder winter temperatures which is why you wouldn’t expect to find ants in the kitchen in winter, but this still happens. As they find their way into your home, and they warm up, they get right back to work!
SERVICE: This is an outside treatment, and could include an inside treatment as these ants could be nesting under your foundation. Outside treatment involves a fan spray of your foundation and the soil around your property. Inside treatment could be needed to eliminate this problem, which requires residents and pets to be out of the home for 4-6 hours.
Each type of Ant requires a different treatment method and approach. Treatment can vary depending on the species and the location of the infestation.
Bed Bugs
Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding, however, their bodies swell and are a reddish colour. Presence of bedbugs is indicated by noticeable staining along the seams of a mattress and box spring. It is possible to see the nymph or mature bedbug, which is the diameter equal to a pencil eraser, travelling across the mattress or under the mattress.
SEASON: All year.
SERVICE: Three treatments and one final inspection, each approximately 14 days apart.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: Customer must complete the preparation guidelines as provided by LPM prior to our arrival. Property must be vacant for a period of 6 hours following the treatment. In the case of a multiple dwelling, units on all sides of the infected unit must also receive a preventative treatment. All bedrooms, living areas will be properly treated. This service is guaranteed to eliminate your problem with the purchase of our mattress and box spring encasements.
WHAT TO EXPECT: It is normal to continue to see live bedbugs after the first treatment; this is why the second treatment is necessary. Bedbug infestations are solved in partnership with the customer. Your full cooperation in strictly following the protocol is critical to successfully solving the problem.
RELATED PRODUCTS: All sizes of mattress and box spring encasements.
SEASON: All year.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: Constructing a new building? Consult LPM for advice on planning an exterior structure that reduces the possibility of birds nesting or roosting on your property. Area must be disinfected first to remove the pheromones, feces, debris, nests and such.
SERVICE: Depends on area size. This must include attentive study of the bird’s habits and behaviour. Fully understand what is drawing them to this location is a critical step in solving the problem.
Birds carry bacteria and disease not just on their body but also in their feces. Droppings can damage brick and stone, discolour paint, stain wood, most of all declines the beauty of the property. We have a variety of exclusion methods that we can use following a site inspection…. including Bird netting, Bird wire or spikes, bird deterrents such as a reflector
There should be no bird (pigeons, seagull, starlings, sparrow) activity after service.
SEASON: All year.
Cockroaches leave behind dark droppings that appear very similar to ground coffee or black pepper. The droppings are less than 1mm wide and vary in length. As they grow in size and progress through the various lifecycle stages into adulthood, cockroaches shed their skins 5-8 times. If cockroaches are present, you will likely see these shed skins of varying sizes around your home or business. Cockroaches will eat nearly anything. They often leave behind chew marks and other signs of damage on items other than just food packaging. Cockroaches will even eat through materials such as leather and book pages. Cockroaches leave droppings behind wherever they live and sleep that produce a pheromone, it smells musty to humans but attracts other cockroaches to the area.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: LPM’s treatment alone will not successfully eliminate this problem. Intensive cleaning and maintenance will also be required. Keeping foods stored in tightly sealed containers will also aid in elimination. Cockroaches are attracted food sources that contain starch, sugar and protein, but will eat almost anything when they are hungry!
SERVICE: The process to eliminate cockroaches is unique to each situation. German cockroach is a very common insect. They move around primarily at night which can result in them going unnoticed.
Customer must complete the preparation guidelines as provided by LPM prior to our arrival. Treatment includes two treatments, 21 days apart. Following the treatment premises must be vacant for 6 hours.
It is typical to see dwindling activity with each treatment. It is critical to follow our protocol to eliminate this problem.
SEASON: August - November.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: More common in rural areas. Cluster flies emit pheromones to attract other Cluster flies to hibernate with them. Treatment will eliminate this problem.
SERVICE: Treatment of the interior and exterior of the property. Property must be vacated for 6 hours after treatment.
SEASON: All year
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: House Flys are the most common insect on the planet, they breed and feed in garbage and rotting food. Electronic fly traps with glue boards can be placed in high occurrence areas. We sell fly lights and glue boards. Step one to defense is proper sanitation of the area and elimination of breeding grounds. Next ensuring openings of building are tightly sealed or screened. Electronic fly traps with glue boards can be placed in high occurrence areas such as drive thru window areas, kitchens, receiving areas. Garbage cans should have tight covers and be cleaned regularly. Remove compost and garbage regularly. Prompt maintenance of ripped screens, open door LPM can perform a sanitation audit to identify problem areas that are or could be an issue resulting in a rodent of insect problem.
SERVICE: 4-7 days to clear up this problem, however cleaning the area and removing any debris must first be complete.
SEASON: All year
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: The Fruit Fly often infests homes and kitchens with ripe, rotting or decaying fruit and produce. They also like fermented items such as beer and wine. They can also breed and develop in drains, mop buckets and trash cans or garbage disposals. Step one is always finding the source of the problem. Treatment can vary. Clean trash cans, drains and mop buckets regularly. Empty compost and garbage regularly. Keep bar and serving areas clean at all times, wipe spillage immediately ( for example under pop machine and beer splash pads) . LPM can perform a sanitation audit to identify problem areas that are or could be an issue resulting in a rodent of insect problem.
SERVICE: 4-7 days to clear up this problem, however cleaning the area and removing any debris must first be complete.
Related Products: Fruit Fly Traps
SEASON: April - October.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: Grass in treatment area must be cut prior to treatment. Treatment requires 2 consecutive dry days for best results, and will be applied mid-late morning.
Customer should keep area free of collecting stagnant water, clean bird baths and ease troughs for instance regularly.
SERVICE: Depends on area size. We recommend treatment in intervals of 3-4 weeks for best results
Depending on the treatment location and severity of the problem, the results can range from significantly minimizing to eliminating the population. Customers tell us…. “We are so impressed that we can use our yard again”, “This is amazing! We just built it in to our annual plan - like our snow removal bill!”
RODENT (Rats, Mice, Squirells)
Legault Pest Management treats for all species of rodents including squirrels, mice, voles, rats. These rodents can do significant damage to your property. As well, the accumulation of feces from mice and rats can spread bacteria, contaminate food sources and trigger allergic reactions in humans. Once the fecal matter becomes dry, it can be hazardous to those who breathe it in. The following represents the most commonly dealt with rodents.
SEASON: All year, most active in accessing home September - October.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: If a pencil fits a mouse will fit! House mice are said to be the most common mammal in the U.S., so it’s no surprise that many homeowners report dealing with infestations at one time or another. This is a very common pest. You may have mice if you hear scratching and scuffling sounds coming from within your walls. Like all animals, rodents leave behind a distinct smell. If your house is suddenly smelling musky and no amount of open windows or fans seems to get rid of that terrible odour, it could be time to consider pest control. Rats and mice can quickly build nests and reproduce which will only add to the smell. Other signs include droppings which are small and smooth with pointed ends, usually about 1/8 - 1/4 of an inch long.
SERVICE: Service will include an inspection of the property to identify the best solution. Solving this problem could take several visits. You might want to discuss our rodent proofing service or regular monthly plans available with your technician.
SEASON: All year.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: You might want to discuss our rodent proofing service or regular monthly plans available with your technician. Norway rats like to stay at ground level or in burrows, in crawl spaces, basements, or around the perimeter of the house. Roof rats like to nest in trees, attics, and rafters. Rats usually access homes by squeezing through unsealed openings, but they are strong swimmers, and can enter through toilets and drain pipes too. You could have rats if you hear chewing and gnawing sounds in the walls or ceilings. Rats and mice prefer to stick near walls and borders when moving. If you are noticing greasy smears along baseboards or the bottoms of your walls, you may have some very unwanted visitors. Of course, marks can appear from other sources as well, so if you're noticing marks, try keeping the areas clean and see if the marks reappear. Droppings can be another indicator, they’re typically brown and are blunt on both ends.
SERVICE: Service will include an inspection of the property to identify the best solution. Solving this problem could take several visits.
SERVICE: All year.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: You may have squirrels if you have heard the pitter-patter of small feet in the attic or noticed chew marks in insulation, wood, and electrical wiring. This damage severely degrades the structural integrity of the wood and creates dangerous fire hazards. Ground squirrels are major agricultural pests and devastate crop yields. In gardens, they will leave behind girdled trees and holes around lawns that serve as entrances to burrows. Tree and flying squirrels regularly enter homes, where they chew on electrical wiring, rip insulation from walls, and keep residents up by being noisy. All species of squirrels can carry parasites that spread diseases, including tularemia, typhus, plague, ringworm, Lyme disease, Encephalitis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Squirrels will also leave droppings, chew marks, and nesting materials around the home. When cornered, squirrels can quickly become aggressive, so trying to trap them is extremely dangerous. To safely and humanely have a squirrel removed, you’ll need a professional pest control service.
SERVICE: Squirrels can be a pest indoors or outdoors. We have the solution for the interior or exterior of your home.
SEASON: Spring - Fall
SERVICE: For treatments indoors the the property must be vacant for 6 hours after the treatment.
Exterior treatments available early summer - one treatment is guaranteed for the whole season!
Being proactive is your best defense against spiders. A treatment in June can keep you ahead of spiders invading your property. However, treatment can be done to successfully to eliminate spiders June to October!
It is typical to see dwindling activity for 1 to 3 days.
SEASON: April - October, most active July - September.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: Home owner must identify where they see wasps traveling in and out of.
It can be normal to see dwindling activity for up to 12 hours prior to the service.
SERVICE: Depends on the nesting location. Different processes are used. If nest is in an enclosed area the nest doesn’t need to be removed, but treatment can be applied to get rid of the wasps, otherwise the nest is always removed. It is typically one service to remove the nest. We have the proper protective equipment to remove the nest safely during the day.
If you think that you have a honey bee infestation, we'll put you in touch with a local beekeeper to address the problem properly and safely.
Quarterly inspection and service calls with emergency service provided at no additional charge guaranteed. Electronic reporting is provided every service. It even covers bedbugs!
Quarterly inspection and service calls with emergency service provided at no additional charge guaranteed. Electronic reporting is provided every service. It even covers bedbugs!
Our promise Guaranteed
Quarterly Service Calls
Peace of mind for your family
Protect your home against 15 pests
Our Process
We Get the
Job Done.
We will take the time to understand your situation, to identify the pest and determine the best solution to eliminate the problem. Following our Get Pest Off Service process, our expert team of technicians will explain the process so you know what to expect every step of the way.
1. Identify
Always identify the pest! Know what we are dealing with to apply the appropriate corrective action. We will take the time to understand your situation, to identify the pest and determine the best solution to eliminate the problem. Our expert team of technicians will explain the process so you know what to expect every step of the way.
4. Proofing
Insect and rodent proof the dwelling - keep the critters out! And do our best to make sure the problem does not reoccur.
2. Inspect
Our technicians will walk your property with you to provide recommendations for optimal pest protection. Inspect the building inside and outside to reveal entry points or problem areas.
5. Report
Sending detailed service report to customer via our on-line portal and billing system.
3. Correct
All our pest management practices follow specific Integrated Pest Management principles. IPM is the industry standard for environmentally conscious pest control techniques that evaluate a pest issue to decide the proper control rather than immediately resorting to pesticides use. This allows us to provide a reliable solution to any pest problem while maintaining the highest levels of client safety and environmental responsibility.
6. Follow-up
Work with customer to arrange a date and time to complete a follow up to ensure results.
1. Identify
Always identify the pest! Know what we are dealing with to apply the appropriate corrective action. We will take the time to understand your situation, to identify the pest and determine the best solution to eliminate the problem. Our expert team of technicians will explain the process so you know what to expect every step of the way.
2. Inspect
Our technicians will walk your property with you to provide recommendations for optimal pest protection. Inspect the building inside and outside to reveal entry points or problem areas.
3. Correct
All our pest management practices follow specific Integrated Pest Management principles. IPM is the industry standard for environmentally conscious pest control techniques that evaluate a pest issue to decide the proper control rather than immediately resorting to pesticides use. This allows us to provide a reliable solution to any pest problem while maintaining the highest levels of client safety and environmental responsibility.
4. Proofing
Insect and rodent proof the dwelling - keep the critters out! And do our best to make sure the problem does not reoccur.
5. Report
Sending detailed service report to customer via our on-line portal and billing system.
6. Follow-up
Work with customer to arrange a date and time to complete a follow up to ensure results.
Emergency service available.
Fully Licenced
Licensed in Prince Edward Island & New Brunswick

*Important Notice
Customer should always communicate with Legault Pest Management if any pets are in the home, any allergies or health related concerns (ex: pregnancy) well prior to the scheduled treatment.